Age UK Sheffield: Home services
1 - 10 of 10 Home services, provided by Age UK Sheffield.

Age UK Sheffield

Activities and events
Find out about all of the activities and events that we provide across Sheffield
Contact: Age UK Sheffield, , 44 Castle Square, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2GF.

At Home services
Whether you need help with the cleaning, someone to take you shopping, or just a friendly face to give you a hand preparing your food and to have a cuppa with, we can put together a support plan to suit your needs. Thin...
Contact: Age UK Sheffield, , First Floor, South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue, 197 Eyre Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 3GF.

Coffee mornings
Meet and chat with friends at our coffee mornings
Contact: Age UK Sheffield, , 44 Castle Square, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2GF.

Dementia Services
This central page contains information about all of the dementia services or partnerships delivered by Age UK Sheffield.To visit the specific page for each service
Contact: Age UK Sheffield, , 44 Castle Square, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2GF.

Digital drop-in
Would you like some help with your smart phone, tablet, camera or computer? Would you like to learn how to video call your family and friends? Do you worry about on-line security?
Contact: Age UK Sheffield, , 44 Castle Square, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2GF.

GP Referrals
Our Independent Living Co-ordination (ILC) service is a three-month package of support in which we will help you and your family members to achieve your independence needs – whether that be aids and adaptations for...
Contact: Age UK Sheffield, , 44 Castle Square, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2GF.

Independent Living Co-ordination & Cancer Support Service
Free support to keep you safe and well at home, or get you back on your feet. As you get older, or your circumstances change, you might need a little extra support to help you to regain the independence you once had. Ma...
Contact: Age UK Sheffield, , 44 Castle Square, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2GF.

Information & Advice
Our advisers are trained to help with almost any issue faced by people over 50. To give you an idea, some of our most popular info & advice requests relate to: Bene?ts checks - Consumer advice - Housing support and ...
Contact: Age UK Sheffield, , 44 Castle Square, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2GF.

Wellbeing Centre (Dementia Day Service)
If your loved one is living with memory loss and dementia, and would benefit from a high quality day service with singing, dancing, arts, laughter, and husky dogs, our Wellbeing Centre is for you. It’s in the Centr...
Contact: Age UK Sheffield, , 44 Castle Square, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2GF.

Young Onset Hub
Are you 65 or under & living with, or affected by young onset dementia or memory problems? If so, we have a new service created specifically to support you and others affected by the condition in Sheffield. The...
Contact: Age UK Sheffield, , 44 Castle Square, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2GF.
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