Age UK South Kent Coast: Home services
1 - 7 of 7 Home services, provided by Age UK South Kent Coast.

Age UK South Kent Coast

Activities & Events
We run a variety of activities, from quizzes and bingo, for mental stimulation, to boccia and movement to music, to help maintain your muscle tone. Our activities are fun and friendly, and help maintain independence.
Contact: Age UK Folkestone, , 65 Shaftesbury Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 4NS.

Dementia Services
The Marigold Centre holds Cogs sessions (Cognitive Therapy) on Fridays, starting on April 30th 2021. Joan will be running the sessions, with arrivals from 9.30am for a 10.00am start. Pickups will be from 2.30pm. Cogs gro...
Contact: Age UK Folkestone, , 65 Shaftesbury Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 4NS.

Independent Living Service
We recognise that everyday household tasks can become difficult for older people and we have developed this service to support you when this happens. Shopping – we can escort you, do your shopping for you or...
Contact: Age UK Folkestone, , 65 Shaftesbury Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 4NS.

Information & Advice
If you're unsure of what to do, who to call or have a question big, or small, contact us to access our popular Information and Advice service. We give help with form filling, benefit entitlement, befriending and general ...
Contact: Age UK Folkestone, , 65 Shaftesbury Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 4NS.

Keep In Touch (Befriending telephone service)
At Age UK South Kent Coast, we try to combat loneliness in later life for local residents, one such way is with our Keep In Touch (KIT) scheme. How Keep In Touch (KIT) works: KIT is primarily for people over the ag...
Contact: Age UK Folkestone, , 65 Shaftesbury Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 4NS.

Lunch Club
Eat with us at the Centre! Join us for breakfast, snacks and light refreshments at our Cafe Bar at Deal or the Marigold Centre (Folkestone). Stay for lunch and enjoy a tasty two-course meal, freshly prepared ...
Contact: Age UK Folkestone, , 65 Shaftesbury Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 4NS.

Meal Delivery Service
Straight to your door! Order a two-course lunch, freshly prepared in our kitchen, to be delivered, hot, straight to your door, seven days a week.
Contact: Age UK Folkestone, , 65 Shaftesbury Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 4NS.
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