Cambridgeshire: Socialising > Drop-in centres services
1 - 5 of 5 Drop-in centres services in Cambridgeshire.
Age UK Cambridgeshire & Peterborough

Activities and Events
Find out here about activities and events taking place at Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
Contact: Age UK Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, County Office, 2 Victoria Street, Chatteris, PE16 6AP.

Oddfellows, making friends, helping people
Through life's ups and downs, we're there for our members. As a friendly society and mutual – it's what we do. From fun social get-togethers and trusted support and advice when members might need it, to exclusive o...
Contact: Oddfellows.
Parkinson's UK
Information and support
We’re here for you. From support in the cost of living crisis to help managing your Parkinson’s symptoms, we've got the information and support you need. By funding the right research into the most promising...
Contact: Parkinson's UK.
St Ives Day Care Centre
St Ives Day Care Centre
he St.Ives Day Centre, based in St.Ives (Cambs), is a unique community charity founded in 1979 to provide 5 day a week day service for the elderly, lonely and frail within the local community including St.Ives and ...
Contact: St Ives Day Care Centre.
St Pauls Cambridge
Hospitality is a key feature of our community programme, as we provide opportunities for people to meet, talk and eat. Each week, meals are prepared, cooked and served by volunteers from St Paul’s, the Volunteer Ce...
Contact: St Pauls Cambridge.