Preston: Socialising > Drop-in centres services
1 - 4 of 4 Drop-in centres services in Preston.
Age Concern Central Lancashire
Activity Centres
A fantastic range of activities and groups to suit all needs and abilities. New friendships and companionship are a big part of what we do as well as improving health and mental wellbeing.
Contact: Age Concern Central Lancashire, Beech House, Lancastergate, Stoneygate, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 2EX.
Lancashire County Council
Day time support
Day services are provided in a variety of locations such as residential homes, specialist resource centres or other community settings. The services aim to support people with disabilities to regain skills and confi...
Contact: Health and Social Care, County Hall, Fishergate, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 8XJ.
Oddfellows, making friends, helping people
Through life's ups and downs, we're there for our members. As a friendly society and mutual – it's what we do. From fun social get-togethers and trusted support and advice when members might need it, to exclusive o...
Contact: Oddfellows.
Parkinson's UK
Information and support
We’re here for you. From support in the cost of living crisis to help managing your Parkinson’s symptoms, we've got the information and support you need. By funding the right research into the most promising...
Contact: Parkinson's UK.