Mid Devon: Socialising > Drop-in centres services
1 - 5 of 5 Drop-in centres services in Mid Devon.
Blackdown Support Group

Blackdown Support Group
The blackdown support group can help in many ways, from assistance with shopping, transport to appointments or social events or just someone to talk to.Also available are various lunch clubs, foot care and help with...
Contact: Blackdown Support Group, The Surgery, Station Road, Cullompton, Devon, EX15 3SF.
Mid Devon Mobility

Transport services
Ring & Ride, Community car, Accessible vehicle hire, Day trip clubs, Community minibus Are you struggling to get to the shops? or need a prescription collected? Maybe we can help? Our Ring & Ride service ...
Contact: Mid Devon Mobility.

Oddfellows, making friends, helping people
Through life's ups and downs, we're there for our members. As a friendly society and mutual – it's what we do. From fun social get-togethers and trusted support and advice when members might need it, to exclusive o...
Contact: Oddfellows.
Parkinson's UK
Information and support
We’re here for you. From support in the cost of living crisis to help managing your Parkinson’s symptoms, we've got the information and support you need. By funding the right research into the most promising...
Contact: Parkinson's UK.
The Blackdown Healthy Living Centre
Caring for the Elderly
Day clubs/activities including: Cameo Club The charity has been providing day care facilities for the elderly since 1990. The Cameo Club team have provides support for the elderly, frail and people affected by me...
Contact: The Blackdown Healthy Living & Activity Centre, Riverside, Hemyock, Cullompton, Devon, EX15 3SH.