Somerset: Socialising > Lunch clubs services
1 - 8 of 8 Lunch clubs services in Somerset.
Age UK Bath and North East Somerset
Day Clubs
Our day centres provide fun and friendship, especially for older people who find it difficult to get out and are 60 years or over. All our day centres, which are run by paid staff and supported by volunteers, offer recre...
Contact: Age UK Bath and North East Somerset, 18 Kingsmead Square, Bath, BA1 2AE.
Bristol City Council
Day centres, support and Bristol Community Links
We'll help you to be as independent as possible and find activities in your community, employment training or learn new skills. You can use our support services if you're an: older person adult with dementia adult wi...
Contact: Bristol City Council, Bristol.
Find a welcoming space
We've been working with organisations across Bristol to set up a network of Welcoming Spaces to support residents over the autumn and winter 2022 to 2023. A Welcoming Space is a place where people can keep warm, sociali...
Contact: Bristol City Council.
Tea Parties
Re-engage organises monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for small groups of older people, aged 75 and over, who live alone. Offering a regular and vital friendship link every month.Each older person is collected from th...
Contact: Re-engage, 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR.
Royal Voluntary Service
Lunch Clubs
Lunch Clubs are run by Royal Voluntary Service volunteers who give their time so that you can come together with friends new and old to enjoy tasty food.
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service.
Social Activities
Whether you want to meet friends for a bite to eat, enjoy a hobby or interest with like-minded people or want to learn new skills, there’s something for everyone. Some of our clubs and groups take place in Royal Vo...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.
Salvation Army UK
Salvation Army Lunch Clubs
We don't just provide lunch clubs and Christmas dinners, but play an important role in creating new friendships through to reducing isolation through healthy and hearty meals in a safe and caring environment. Our halls ...
Contact: Salvation Army Churches & Community Centres, 101 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BN.
Salvation Army Lunch Clubs
We don't just provide lunch clubs and Christmas dinners, but play an important role in creating new friendships through to reducing isolation through healthy and hearty meals in a safe and caring environment. Our halls ...
Contact: Salvation Army Lunch Clubs.