Belfast: Advocacy & Support > Advocacy services
1 - 4 of 4 Advocacy services in Belfast.
Age NI

Advice & Advocacy Service
The Age NI team provides information and advice on a range of issues including: welfare benefits community care residential and nursing care Housing and health The Age NI team also provides advocacy sup...
Contact: Age NI, 3 Lower Crescent, Belfast, BT7 1NR.
CareCalls helps you remember to do important things and/or checks that you are ok throughout the day, providing independence and peace of mind. CareCalls works by delivering reminders and check-ins by phone call or text...
Contact: CareCalls.
Deafblind UK

Deafblind UK
Deafblind UK is a national charity supporting people with sight and hearing loss to live the lives they want. We help people to live with deafblindness by making connections, building their confidence and independ...
Contact: Deafblind UK, National Centre for Deafblindness, 19 Rainbow Court, Paston Riding, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE4 7UP.
The Money Carer Foundation
Appointeeship and Money Management for Vulnerable Adults
Money Carer is an award-winning national social enterprise that provides a range of money management services for vulnerable adults. As a national partner with the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), we are the UK'...
Contact: Appointeeship and Money Management for Vulnerable Adults, Dane Road, Dalton House, Cross St, Sale, Sale, Cheshire, M33 7AR.