Woking: Independent living > Foot/Nail services services
1 - 2 of 2 Foot/Nail services services in Woking.
Age Concern Epsom and Ewell

Health care and wellbeing
Foot Clinic Our friendly and experienced footcare practitioners can cut toenails, file hard skin and give general advice on footcare in our clinic. The service is available to anyone who lives in or around Surrey. We c...
Contact: Age Concern Epsom and Ewell, The Old Town Hall, The Parade, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 5AG.
Pat Turnbull Chiropody and Podiatry
Total Footcare
General Chiropody In growing toenails Painful thick toenails Treats Verrucae Diabetic assessmnent Knee and lower leg arthritic pain Walking problems Circulation checks Acupuctur...
Contact: Podiatry and Chiropody, 2 Dukes Court. 77 Mortlake High Street, Mortlake, London, SW148HS.