Dorset: Socialising > Companionship /befriending services
1 - 20 of 62 Companionship /befriending services in Dorset.
Above & Beyond Companionship & Support

Above & Beyond - Companionship & Support
My services include: Home help Cleaning and laundry Shopping and errands Meal preparation Admin and technology support Dog walking and pet care De cluttering and moving home Welfare checks Care home visits Chap...
Contact: Above & Beyond - Compassion & Care, Ataka, Blandford Road, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 4AF.
Age Concern Christchurch

Day Shopping Trips
Age Concern Christchurch offer a door to door shopping trip service for £7.00 per person. We currently have two trips each week and spaces go quickly! We can accommodate wheelchair users on our 14 seat minibus...
Contact: Age Concern Christchurch, 85 Bargates , Christchurch , Dorset, BH23 1QQ.

Friendship Groups
We have a number of Friendship Groups across the area. Each group meets weekly and aims to be a place where people can make new friends and participate in social activities. Refreshments are provided for a donation.
Contact: Age Concern Christchurch, 85 Bargates , Christchurch , Dorset, BH23 1QQ.
Age Concern North Dorset

Our Service
Telephone Advice Service: We have a large amount of knowledge about a great number of elderly related topics, so if you need some information, why not give the office a ring on 01258 475582. If we do not know the answer ...
Contact: Age Concern North Dorset, Stour Connect, Stour View Close, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 1JF.
Age UK

Call in Time- Telephone Friendship Service
Call in Time aims to reduce loneliness and social isolation in older people by providing them with regular telephone chats.
Contact: Call in Time Telephone Friendship Service, Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9NA.
Age UK Bournemouth, Poole & East Dorset

Activities and Events
Loneliness and isolation can have big impact on the health and welbeing of older people. Age UK Bournemouth, Poole & East Dorset provides a Community Connections service to help tackle the causes of isolation and...
Contact: Age UK Bournemouth, Poole & East Dorset, 700 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH9 2EG.

Help at Home
We provide services which enable clients to be as independent as possible and remain in their own homes for as long as they are able. Services such as domestic support, shopping, ironing and cleaning, light garden mainte...
Contact: Age UK Bournemouth, Poole & East Dorset, 700 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH9 2EG.

Project Purple - Energetic Walking Group (EWG)
A brisk paced walk for the keen energetic walker. Bring sensible shoes and clothing for all weathers, and enjoy the company of others while taking in the stunning Dorset scenery. Cost £12 for Annual Membership.
Contact: Age UK Bournemouth, Poole & East Dorset, 700 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH9 2EG.

Relieving Loneliness: Community Connections
Loneliness and isolation can have big impact on the health and welbeing of older people. Age UK Bournemouth, Poole & East Dorset provides a Community Connections service to help tackle the causes of isolation and...
Contact: Age UK Bournemouth, Poole & East Dorset, 700 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH9 2EG.

Agincare Home Care - Poole
The service enables individuals to maintain independence by assisting them with as much or as little home care support that they need on a daily basis. Agincare can provide Live-in Care to enable low, medium or high depe...
Contact: Agincare, 24 Parkstone Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2PG.

Agincare Home Care - Dorchester
Care Workers can carry out personal care tasks, domestic tasks, shopping, laundry and some also provide a sitting service in order that carers can have some respite or companionship when needed. This will enable you to r...
Contact: Agincare, 24 Cornwall Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1RX.

Agincare Home Care - Ferndown
Care Workers can carry out personal care tasks, domestic tasks, shopping, laundry and some also provide a sitting service in order that carers can have some respite or companionship when needed. This will enable you to r...
Contact: Agincare, 483 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 9AT.

Agincare Home Care - Poole
Care Workers can carry out personal care tasks, domestic tasks, shopping, laundry and some also provide a sitting service in order that carers can have some respite or companionship when needed. This will enable you to r...
Contact: Agincare, 24 Parkstone Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2PG.

Agincare Home Care - Weymouth
The service enables individuals to maintain independence by assisting them with as much or as little home care support that they need on a daily basis. Agincare can provide Live-in Care to enable low, medium or high depe...
Contact: Agincare, Egdon Hall, Lynch Lane, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 9DN.

Agincare Home Care - Bridport
The service enables individuals to maintain independence by assisting them with as much or as little home care support that they need on a daily basis. Agincare can provide Live-in Care to enable low, medium or high depe...
Contact: Agincare, 11 Downes Street, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 3JR.

Agincare Home Care - Christchurch
Care Workers can carry out personal care tasks, domestic tasks, shopping, laundry and some also provide a sitting service in order that carers can have some respite or companionship when needed. This will enable you to r...
Contact: Agincare, Stour Road, 19c Magnolia House, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1PL.
AQS Homecare

AQS Home Care
Some of the services we offer are: Personal Care (including bathing) Social Care Escort Service Day/Night Sitting Bathing Live in Service Domestic Shopping Eme...
Contact: Dorset Branch, 581 Wimborne Road, Winton, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH9 2AR.
Blackdown Support Group

Blackdown Support Group
The blackdown support group can help in many ways, from assistance with shopping, transport to appointments or social events or just someone to talk to.Also available are various lunch clubs, foot care and help with...
Contact: Blackdown Support Group, The Surgery, Station Road, Cullompton, Devon, EX15 3SF.
Bournemouth Deaf Club

Bournemouth Deaf Club
The service offers a friendly, social club with a wide range of activities for the deaf.
Contact: Bournemouth Deaf Club, Lockyer Hall, 27a Morley Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH5 2JJ.
Brendoncare Clubs and Community Support Service

Brendoncare Club Volunteering
Our community clubs are currently closed but we are providing regular telephone contact to our members to support them at this difficult time and help them feel that they are not alone. The telephone support service can ...
Contact: Community Support Service, The Brendoncare Foundation, The Old Malthouse, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 7DU.