Rother: Transport services
21 - 23 of 23 Transport services in Rother.
Shopmobility UK
Shopmobility UK
ShopMobility UK is a nationwide network of centres which hire out mobility equipment to the public. This equipment is mainly manual wheelchairs, powerchairs and mobility scooters so people with restricted mobility can en...
Contact: Shopmobility UK, c/o Driving Mobility , 2 Princes Street , Truro , Cornwall, TR1 2ES.

WavsGB offers vehicles adapted to carry wheelchairs for sale or hire Hire can be on a daily basis or long term We offer at home vehicle demonstrations for vehicles to be purchased and delivery options for our hire vehic...
Contact: WavsGB, Westway Garage, Marksbury, Bath, Avon, BA2 9HN.
Wheelchair Travel Ltd

Meet and Greet
Offers a transport service using wheelchair accessible minibuses, which aims to meet and greet people at either Heathrow or Gatwick airport and drop off anywhere in the country. The minibuses have space for up to 14 peop...
Contact: Wheelchair Travel UK, 1 Johnston Green, Guilford, Surrey, GU2 9XS.