Mole Valley: Home maintenance > Home maintenance grants & loans services
1 - 3 of 3 Home maintenance grants & loans services in Mole Valley.
Millbrook Healthcare

Surrey Home Improvement Agency
Our service begins at the referral stage from an Occupational Therapist. Our case workers carry out checks for eligibility for Council Grants, our Technical Officers design and arrange labour and all works are subject to...
Contact: Millbrook Healthcare.
Mole Valley District Council

Disabled Facilities Grant
If you or someone living in your property is disabled, you may qualify for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG). This grant goes towards the cost of providing adaptations and/or facilities to meet necessary basic housing ne...
Contact: Housing.
Surrey County Council

Adapting your home
Home adaptations are changes you can make to your home which make it safer and easier to move around and do everyday tasks. Each of the borough and district councils can help older and/or disabled residents adapt their h...
Contact: Adults.