Merton: Home maintenance > Home maintenance grants & loans services
1 - 2 of 2 Home maintenance grants & loans services in Merton.
London Borough of Merton

Disabled facilities grants (DFGs)
Disabled facilities grants (DFGs) can be requested to help meet the cost of providing facilities and adaptations enabling people with disabilities to access their home and the facilities within it. DFGs are available to ...
Contact: Adult Social Care, Occupational Therapy Service, 11th Floor, Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, SM4 5DX.

Housing repair grants
Green Homes Grant: make energy improvements to your home (closed to new applicants) How to use your Green Homes Grant voucher to make energy efficient improvements to your home. Any housing repair grants will a...
Contact: Environmental Health Housing, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Greater London, SM4 5DX.