Forget-me-not Chorus

Forget-me-not Chorus brings the joy of song to those living with and alongside dementia. We provide free pre-recorded singing sessions and zoom sessions for care home staff and residents led by professional musicians to help encourage communication, engagement and interaction. 


We have a variety of themed sessions to suit your schedule and all are completely free of charge and easy to use around daily routines.Our sessions come in 3 different formats, DVD, Direct download or online streaming through our website. 


We also run interactive zoom sessions on a Thursday morning. The sessions are led by professional musicians who take you through gentle physical and vocal warm ups, and songs from a themed project over the term. Each session is an hour long and is supported by a FMNC team member who will guide you through the process and provide technical support. We also encourage family and friends of residents to also join us over Zoom. 



For more information, please visit">Forget-me-not Chorus - Pre-recorded singing sessions ( or email


Act Details

Name: Forget-me-not Chorus
Type of act: Entertainment agencies
Act contents: Music - General /variety /sing along
Equipment required: Laptop, tablet, smart table, smart TV, microphone, speakers
Performance length: pre-recorded sessions - 30-50 minutes Zoom sessions - 60 minutes
Fee charged: 0 (Donation)
Locations: National service (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales).
Days of week: Zoom sessions - Thursday morning
Contact Details
Forget-me-not Chorus, 11-13 Penhill Road, Thornhill, Cardiff.

Where we’ve played for older people recently

No venues notified to EAC.