SureCare Runnymede and Elmbridge

Domiciliary Care and Home Help

What does it do?

Home Care

As life expectancy grows, more of us are living longer. For a lot of older members of society, trying to maintain independence in their own home can be increasingly difficult.

Our excellent team of home care workers can provide complete support for your loved ones, including washing, dressing and household chores. This enables them to continue living at home for as long as possible.

Home Services

By popular demand, we now offer a full suite of home services to support you and your loved ones at home. This could be anything from mowing the lawn and doing some urgent DIY, to collecting the dry cleaning and picking up prescriptions.

Our home services aren’t just limited to the older person or people living with disability. We’re here to make life easier for you whatever your circumstances, from those with limited capabilities to working parents who simply need a helping hand.

Who it is for?

·         Adults (aged 18-65), Older people (aged 65+)

·         People with dementia

·         People with physical disabilities

·         People with sensory loss, including those with dual sensory impairment.

·         People with mental health problems

Where it is available?

Local service (Elmbridge, Runnymede).

Useful Download(s):


Info last updated:

Unit 16 Image House, 326 Molesey Road, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT12 3PD