Realcare Health Services
Specialise with complex care packagesWhat does it do?
Realcare Heath Services is a Nursing Agency based in Dagenham which specialise with complex care packages, we supply homecare and home nursing services throughout England. Our services include domiciliary care projects as well as provision of home nursing for clients that require either support or continued on going care due to disability or illness. In addition to this, as a nursing & homecare agency we are proficient in the supply of specialist and general nurses who are able to provide nursing care for chronic conditions and ventilated patients. We help client achieve their life aims and lead them to a full and active life.
Who it is for?
Complex Care
Live – in – Care
Hourly Care
24-Hour care
Companionship Care
Personal Care
Hospital Discharge
Pediatric Care
Palliative care
Where it is available?
National service (England).
How to access or apply for it:
Nursing care at home (registered), Intermediate /after hospital care, Support for carers / Relief Care / Respite Care, Personal care at home (registered), Live-in care
Info last updated:

16 Lockwell Road, Dagenham, Essex, RM10 7RE