Minor Adaptations – £1,000 to £7,500

What does it do?

We offer grants for minor adaptations to be made to a home. This can help people who have a long-term health condition to deal with the challenges of living at home. We can also help with adaptations if you are coming home from hospital, or have a terminal illness. 

The grants are open to all homeowners, private tenants and council tenants. 

To apply for the grant, you will need to submit an application form (available below) and relevant supporting documents.

Grants are available between £1,000 and £7,500.  Only one minor adaptations grant can be awarded in a three year period.  

Grants can be used towards:

level access showers - read our helpful guidance notes to understand what we will cover 


access in and around the home, including ramps and widening doors 

other specialist equipment (for example, wash dry toilets)

 One step closer to home

Sometimes carrying out work may delay you being able to return home. Depending on availability, we may be able to provide accommodation closer to home, so you can be nearer to family and friends.


If you wish to apply, please complete our online application form via the link below. Please remember to provide supporting documents - otherwise, your application will not be valid:

Supporting medical evidence. Evidence provided must state medical conditions and proposed adaptations required to the home. This could be a letter from a GP, hospital or occupational therapist (OT)

Written permission from the landlord or housing association (where applicable) 

Two comparable contractor quotes - at least one submitted must be under £7,500.  These quotes should be on headed paper from the contractor carrying out the works and itemised. If not, these may be returned to you and your application will be delayed. Please note that only one quote is needed for specialist equipment (for example, a stairlift)

You may want to read our checklist guidance to ensure you have completed everything before submitting an application. 

If you are a council tenant, you do not need to complete an application form but you will need an assessment from an OT. Please call Customer First on 0808 800 4005

Please contact 0300 123 4000 or email our Adaptations team to discuss any work that you need to support you and your family or carers in your home.  You may find that we are able to offer grants for minor adaptation works not listed under the grants.