meals on wheels
meals on wheels, meals on wheels East Sussex, meals on wheels sussex,What does it do?
We supply meals on wheels
Across East Sussex and West Sussex Croydon and Dorset
We can supply a hot lunch all ready to eat 7 days per week
We can supply now also supply Chilled meals on a plate cover and ready to pop in the fridge ready to re heat at a later time that day in the oven or microwave
Our service runs 365 days of the year, other services include groceries and tea time packs
Who it is for?
The service is for anyone that needs it
We supply ready to eat meals hot or cold you can choose.
Where it is available?
What it costs:
Hot meals are £8.95 per day
How to access or apply for it:
get in touch call us on 01323 884274
or email us
or download an order form from our website
What to expect then:
We can set up the meal service next day and you can expect good quality food delivered how you want it
All our food is made in house in our kitchens by our talented chefs
Info last updated: