Living Well at Home

What does it do?

Equipment to Help Remain Independent at Home

If you find that you're having difficulty with everyday tasks such as washing, dressing and cooking, or with moving round your home, there may be specialist equipment and minor adaptations available which will allow you to do these things safely and independently.

A range of simple equipment is also available from both specialist shops and websites and non-specialist retailers. Some of the links below may be useful to find suggestions that could assist you.

Sometimes it may be necessary to make some significant changes to your property, to make it easier for you to move about and use your home safely and independently. You may be eligible for a Disabled Facilities Grant for these alterations.

If you're the carer for someone with physical health problems, then having the right equipment in place can make your work both easier and safer.

Before you buy or loan any equipment it's worth getting independent advice. This will make sure the type of equipment you're getting meets your needs. The websites below may be helpful.

To be eligible for equipment provided for a social care need funded by the Council you will need to have an assessment and will need to meet eligibility criteria. To enquire about assessments, contact the council at