Higher Healthcare
Providing dedicated care when you need it. Domiciliary careWhat does it do?
At Higher Healthcare our purpose is simple, we’re here for you when others aren’t. With our introductory care service we find and introduce you to a dedicated caregiver.
We believe at Higher Healthcare you should be able to have access to affordable live-in care for your loved ones. With the help of our introductory care service, your loved one can remain comfortable in their own home.
Our team understand that every person requires care tailored to them. We will discuss the type of care that you need and provide guidance on any questions you may have – including funding you may be eligible for. This allows us to help you find the perfect care match.
Who it is for?
Anyone searching for care. Providing advice and care options to the healthcare sector.
Where it is available?
What it costs:
Our service cost is dependant on care need.
How to access or apply for it:
- Call or Whatsapp 0333 577 0377 to speak with our dedicated team
- Email info@higherhc.co.uk
- Visit our website at www.higherhc.co.uk
Useful Download(s):
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