Disabled facilities grants
What does it do?
A DFG is a means-tested grant. Your eligibility depends on your savings and any benefits you receive.
If you are receiving some means tested benefits, you will automatically get a full grant and not have to make a contribution towards the cost of work. You qualify for this if you are receiving:
- Universal Credit
- Income Support
- Income-based Employment and Support Allowance (not contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance)
- Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (not contribution-based Job Seekers Allowance)
- Guarantee Pension Credit (not Savings Pension Credit alone)
- Housing Benefit
- Working Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit (where your annual income for the purposes of the tax credits assessment was below £15,050)
- If you have an annual income above £15,050 you will be means-tested to find out if need to a contribution to the cost of works.