Dementia services

What does it do?

We provide activities and support for Asian elders with various stages of dementia, including early-stage memory loss, as part of our integrated day opportunities programme.

SubCo’s experienced staff team has experience in providing support to meet this wide range of need, which includes working with people in challenging situations. The services we offer include one-to-one befriending at home and in the community, group support, group activity sessions which include memory games and techniques for daily living, structured gentle exercise, trips and events.

Dementia is currently irreversible and a terminal disease which is not visible physically, but it will have a physical impact on the person with dementia. Unlike other illnesses, it is difficult to detect sometimes, due to common cultural misconception that it is due to ‘old age’. This mentality creates a delay in getting the correct treatment and support, which leads to faster progression of the disease.