Chatty Cafe Scheme to combat loneliness
Chatty Cafe SchemeWhat does it do?
We offer a weekly drop-in Chatty Cafe Scheme at Bristol Folk House cafe run by volunteers
The service is run every Monday (except Bank Holidays) from 2 - 3pm
Who it is for?
Where it is available?
What it costs:
Additional information:
A Chatter & Natter table creates a space for people to talk; whether it is for five minutes while you drink a brew, or an hour of good conversation. We’re not trying to build friendships – just simple interactions to combat loneliness and to just maybe have a big impact on someone’s day. Although the aims of the scheme are to reduce loneliness and get people chatting we decided not to use the word loneliness on any of the publicity that is displayed in cafes. Instead it is very positive and focuses on bringing people of all ages and from all walks of life together. We want to mix everyone up!