Changes to your home

What does it do?

Major Adaptations

If you need major changes to your home, adaptations likely to cost over £1,000, then Adult Social Care may refer you to the Housing Adaptations Service for  a specialist Occupational Therapist (OT) assessment and recommendations about the type of work that’s needed.

If you own your home, rent privately or are a housing association tenant in Brighton & Hove, you may be able to get help towards the cost of adapting your home by applying for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG). 

Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)

DFG is a mandatory Housing grant you can get if you need help funding major adaptations to your home.

You can find more information about the grant at

Find out how to apply for Disabled Facilities Grants in Brighton & Hove at

We’re also currently offering a wider range of grant assistance for meeting the needs of older people, disabled people or families with disabled children and to target accident prevention, relieving fuel poverty and assisting with hospital discharge. 

You can find more information about this in our disabled facilities grant housing policy at