Apply for social housing

What does it do?

The council no longer owns or manages any council houses.

All social accommodation is managed by Housing Associations, known as Registered Providers.

When applying for Social Housing, please remember that most people will not be successful, as there are more people looking for housing than there are homes available.

Please consider all other housing options, such as low cost home ownership or privately renting, particularly if you need to find a home quickly.

What is Devon Home Choice?

Devon Home Choice is the choice-based letting system for councils in Devon. Rather than homes being allocated by the Council, choice-based letting allows tenants and prospective tenants to bid for the available properties they are interested in.

Most people will not be successful in finding a suitable Housing Association property because demand far outweighs the supply.

Applicants are banded according to their housing need. Vacant properties are advertised weekly and applicants can choose to apply for up to three properties that they are eligible for each week.