A&B Home Care Ltd
Home Care, PA Service, Care at homeWhat does it do?
A&B Home Care Ltd encompasses a holistic approach which is sensitive to the needs of every individual who are people first with social, emotional, psychological and physical needs. Our values are embedded in all that we do and include:
Ø Privacy
Ø Dignity and Respect
Ø Independence
Ø Choice
Ø Rights
Always preserve every person’s right to privacy by:
Ø Respecting and keeping confidential all information relating to the person and their families. This is central to our GDPR policy and procedure.
Ø Discussing personal matters with the person in private and without violating confidentiality.
Ø Ensuring that the person involved owns all their information relating to them.
Dignity and Respect:
Ø Treat every Service User with respect and allow each person to live in a dignified manner, ensuring all A&B Home Care Ltd staff are respectful in all they do.
Ø Ensuring we value the person and promote a sense of self-worth, confidence and self-esteem.
Ø Maintain individual autonomy by empowering each person to consider their choices and make their own decisions as far as possible.
Ø Know each person in detail so that services can be individualised and meet their holistic needs.
Ø A&B Home Care Ltd also use the Royal College of Nursing’s definition of Dignity.
Ø Use positive risk taking to enable each person to take risks that will promote people to make their own decisions and think and act for themselves.
Ø Ensure that people are fully involved in their care and support and are given opportunities to participate in the care and support planning process and become more independent.
Ø We will ensure that every individual has options and choices over their activities of daily living.
Ø We will give over choices through the person’s care and support so that people have control over their own lives.
Ø We will preserve all basic human rights of each person including consent, confidentiality, safety, equality and autonomy.
Ø We will encourage freedom of expression, participation and decision making.
Ø We will encourage right of access and entitlement to services and benefits.
Ø Enable individuals to realise their own goals and support them to create opportunities to achieve a purpose in all that they do.
Care and support are provided in partnership with the people we work with, their family carers, advocates and relatives, respecting their diverse needs, preferences and choices. At A&B Home Care Ltd it is standard practice for a member of our Leadership Team to visit each Service User before commencing the service to be able to understand the individual situation and then provide the most suitable package to meet specific needs.
We expect Co-Production and Individualised Care and Support to form the core of the services we provide at A&B Home Care Ltd and our staff are committed to meeting our aims including:
Ø To deliver a service of exceptional quality that will improve and sustain the person’s overall quality of life and their wellbeing.
Ø To ensure that the service is delivered flexibly, attentively and in a non-discriminatory way, while respecting Service User’s right to independence, privacy, dignity, fulfilment, and the rights to make informed choices.
Ø To ensure that Service Users ’s needs and values are respected in matters of religion, culture, race, age, ethnic origin, sexuality and sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, parenthood and disabilities or impairments.
Ø Only delivering support through an individualized approach.
Ø To plan, manage and review the services we deliver by working in accordance with our comprehensive policies and procedures and practice guidance to enable us to react, be flexible, consistent and responsive.
Ø To ensure we work within the legislation relevant to what we do.
Ø To presume capacity unless there is reason to believe that an individual might not have capacity to make a specific decision.
Ø Identify where people have Lasting Power of Attorney and a Relevant Representative.
Ø To ensure that people are aware of the procedures of making compliments and complaints.
Who it is for?
A&B Home Care Ltd offers a wealth of knowledge, has empathy and compassion in understanding the needs of Service Users when delivering personal care, support by our professional care team. All staff hold this title whether delivering social or domiciliary care services. The people we work with includes:
Ø Young people
Ø Older people
Ø People living with dementia including those under 65
Ø People with a physical disability
Ø People who have a learning disability
Ø People experiencing ill health (such as long-term conditions)
Ø People recovering from mental ill health
Ø People that have moved through or are moving towards Transgender
Where it is available?
What it costs:
Costing is variable. The team is happy to discuss on an individualised basis
How to access or apply for it:
Email at enquiries@ab-homecare.com
Telephone: 01642 214403
What to expect then:
Once an enquiry is received we will arrange a face to face assessment to ensure the individuals requirements are obtained to enable a person-centred service
Info last updated: