Hestia Age Activity Centre
What does it do?
The Hestia Age Activity Centre in Tooting helps over 200 people aged 60 and over to stay active, healthy and independent. The Centre is open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm and provides a friendly environment where older people can develop friendships and take part in interesting activities to help them to maximise their talents and remain happy and independent.
Some of the activities include:
- Lunch Club, providing healthy, nutritious, and appetising meals at low cost
- Gospel Choir, run entirely by members of the Centre
- Bridge Club
- Scrabble and bingo groups
- Dominoes Club, which competes regularly with similar clubs in the area
- Art Classes
- Keep Fit and Tai Chi Classes
- Computer Classes
The Centre is run in collaboration with the service users and activities are tailored to their needs and interests. In addition to the weekly activities, we also organise day trips and short holidays, as well as information days on topics of interest.