Chesterfield Care Group

What does it do?

The Chesterfield Care Group has been operating since 1996 and is accredited by Derbyshire County Council and the Derbyshire County Primary Care Trust. It is a local independent Registered Charity and is a non profiting making organisation.

Referrals can be made via Derbyshire County Council Social Care or by individuals (or their family) contacting us directly.

Chesterfield Care Group’s aims are:

  • to reduce the isolation of older people who are unable to make use of other recreational facilities
  • enabling older people to stay in their own homes for longer

to provide respite for carers to enable them to continue to care longer

We have qualified staff who provide a quality service in a friendly and stimulating environment. We aim to meet the personal needs of our individual clients. Day care places for approximately 380 clients are offered each week.

Chesterfield Care Group’s Main Centre is based within the Chesterfield Community Centre, Tontine Road, and is open Monday to Friday with approximately 30 day care places each day.
This Main Centre provides day care for clients with medium to substantial needs.

There are Outreach Centres which provide day care for clients with medium dependency levels and who live in the vicinity of those centres. There are two specialised Outreach Groups which provide support to people with dementia.

Please browse our website or contact us if your require additional information.