Digital Unite
Digital Unite - unleash your DIGITAL talentsWhat does it do?
We help organisations run digital inclusion programmes that deliver real change. We work with government, corporates, charities and not for profits to help them embed digital inclusion across their organisations, via Digital Champions programmes.
We've been doing this since 1996. Over that time, we've worked a lot with Housing Assocations and their residents - including one programme with Clarion that's been running for over a decade.
How can we help?
We provide the structure, support & learning resources needed to run successful, impactful digital inclusion programmes based around Digital Champions.
We provide project management tools to measure progress. And practical consultancy to target energy & resources in the right places.
These programmes help end users learn vital digital skills, build digital confidence and give people the skills they need to thrive in a digital society.
Who it is for?
We don't train end learners. We work with organisations - training their staff/ volunteers to help end learners. End learners might be customers, clients or even colleagues.
Organisations include charities, social housing associations, health care providers and local authorities. We also work with corporates like national telecoms providers with a CSR remit.
Where it is available?
What it costs:
You can see our costs on our website.
How to access or apply for it:
Phone 0800 228 9272
Or email at, or at
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