Home from Hospital
Home from Hospital service for older people in Horsham and districtWhat does it do?
Home from hospital
Will you be going into hospital soon? Are you worried about being alone and coping when you return home?
Do you have a friend or relative who is being discharged from hospital and will they be able to manage for those first few weeks?
How we can help
The aim of the service is to prevent vulnerable people returning to hospital, to boost confidence and physical and mental well-being.
The service will provide an initial home assessment (once the person has returned from hospital) and provide information to minimise the risks such as trip hazards, to ensure the heating is on and there is food available.
Age UK Horsham District, Age UK West Sussex and Guild Care (Adur & Worthing) are working in partnership to deliver a countywide 'Home from Hospital' service for people living within West Sussex (the service is funded by West Sussex County Council).
We will visit you to make sure you are safe, have what you need and the relevant services in place should you need them. We will ensure that you are not isolated following your return home from hospital and for the following six weeks we will visit to help you regain your confidence and independence.
The service will match a volunteer to people requiring the service. They can provide practical support, work to rebuild confidence and reduce the risk of isolation. All our volunteers have a Disclosure and Barring Service certificate.
We offer up to 6 weeks free practical support after discharge from hospital for residents living in West Sussex.
Who it is for?
Where it is available?
What it costs:
How to access or apply for it:
Please contact Age UK Horsham District on 01403 260560 or info@ageukhorshamdistrict.org.uk
Additional information:
Our Home from Hospital Staff and Volunteers can assist you with tasks such as -
- Collect prescriptions and shopping
- Prepare a light snack
- Accompany you to a hospital or doctor’s appointment
- Provide information on other services or equipment you need
- Pop in for a chat
- Assist with finances/paperwork through our information services
- Liaise with a wide range of other services on your behalf
- Help with a pet
- Return library books
- Light Housework