Safeguarding Advocacy
Advocacy service for people in HillingdonWhat does it do?
We work closely with clients to support them and ensure they have choice and control throughout the safeguarding process.
The service is available to anyone over 18 who has the ability to make their own decisions but is defined as a 'vulnerable'
adult and is the subject of a safeguarding investigation.
Our service is independent and so free from the conflicts of interest there might be if for example social care staff or
a family member were to advocate for you.
An advocate can help if you need
Independent information and practical support in order to help you express your views and to make your voice heard.
Help and encouragement to enable you to make choices, take control of your life and to stand up for your rights.
Support or representation at safeguarding meetings.
The Advocacy Team will
Speak with you to discuss your needs.
Introduce you to one of the advocates who will give you support to deal with the problem.
Always ask for your consent before involving a third party.
Observe your rights to confidentiality.
If you require advocacy support unrelated to your safeguarding investigation we would be able to give you information and
signpost you appropriately.
We Do Not
Offer advocacy to those who lack the capacity to make decisions.
Give legal advice.
Offer counselling.
But we can assist you to access relevant services.
The Service provides
Fully trained independent advocates to help you have your say from the beginning to the end of the safeguarding process.
Training and support to all advocates.
BSL (British Sign Language) and other interpreters may be available.
Both Age UK Hillingdon and DASH are voluntary organisations and registered charities.
DASH exists to promote and enable equality of opportunity for all disabled people in Hillingdon and to ensure that all
services are conducted in a holistic manner.
Age UK Hillingdon work with and for older people in the Borough to provide services and to represent their views.
The service is available to anyone over 18 who has the ability to make their own decisions but is defined as a 'vulnerable'
adult and is the subject of a safeguarding investigation.
Our service is independent and so free from the conflicts of interest there might be if for example social care staff or
a family member were to advocate for you.
An advocate can help if you need
Independent information and practical support in order to help you express your views and to make your voice heard.
Help and encouragement to enable you to make choices, take control of your life and to stand up for your rights.
Support or representation at safeguarding meetings.
The Advocacy Team will
Speak with you to discuss your needs.
Introduce you to one of the advocates who will give you support to deal with the problem.
Always ask for your consent before involving a third party.
Observe your rights to confidentiality.
If you require advocacy support unrelated to your safeguarding investigation we would be able to give you information and
signpost you appropriately.
We Do Not
Offer advocacy to those who lack the capacity to make decisions.
Give legal advice.
Offer counselling.
But we can assist you to access relevant services.
The Service provides
Fully trained independent advocates to help you have your say from the beginning to the end of the safeguarding process.
Training and support to all advocates.
BSL (British Sign Language) and other interpreters may be available.
Both Age UK Hillingdon and DASH are voluntary organisations and registered charities.
DASH exists to promote and enable equality of opportunity for all disabled people in Hillingdon and to ensure that all
services are conducted in a holistic manner.
Age UK Hillingdon work with and for older people in the Borough to provide services and to represent their views.
Who it is for?
The service is available to anyone over 18 who has the ability to make their own decisions but is defined as a 'vulnerable' adult and is the subject of a safeguarding investigation.
Where it is available?
Local service (Hillingdon).
How to access or apply for it:
See above for contact details
Info last updated:

Wood End Centre Judge Heath Lane, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 2PB