SLM Footcare Services
Footcare service for over 55 in lancashire and north westWhat does it do?
Basic Toenail and Fingernail cutting on a five week cycle in clients homes, care homes or any care setting
Who it is for?
Anyone over the age of 55
Where it is available?
What it costs:
£14 per visit
One off payment of £12.50 for a nailcare pack
So First Visit is £26.50, then £14 thereafter.
How to access or apply for it:
Phone our Freephone number 0330 660 0458 and book an appointment
What to expect then:
A trained footcare assistant will call and cut their toe or fingernails and book them another appointment
Additional information:
SLM Footcare currently provides a toenail cutting service to over 1000 people throughout the North West of England. The
service was established in 2007 in partnership with East Lancashire PCT and rolled out to the rest of the North West
in 2010, as the PCTs had started discharging patients with low level footcare needs.
We offer a quality, affordable toenail cutting service, where we guarantee a visit every 5 weeks, at a cost of £14 per
client, clients must also purchase a set of clippers and a file on the first visit at a one off cost of £12.50. (This is a recommendation from the PCT to eliminate cross contamination)
All of our staff have been trained by the PCT podiatry department and are DBS checked.
Info last updated: