Bournemouth Castlepoint and Boscombe Shopmobility
Shopmobility service in DorsetWhat does it do?
At Shopmobility you can hire:
- Electric Scooters
- Powered wheelchairs
- Manual wheelchairs
Who it is for?
Shopmobility is available to anyone, young or old, no matter whether their mobility impairment is temporary or permanent, caused by illness, accident or age.
Where it is available?
Local service (East Dorset, Bournemouth).
What it costs:
Annual membership fee: £10.50 + £2.50 daily usage fee. • Visitor's fee: £4
How to access or apply for it:
To make a booking, or for more information, please telephone 01202 598295 or 01202 399700 or email
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 10.00am - 4.00pm
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 10.00am - 4.00pm
Additional information:
Castlepoint and Boscombe Shopmobility are part of the Wessex Shopmobility group.
This means that members will be able to use other Shopmobility units in
the Wessex group
This means that members will be able to use other Shopmobility units in
the Wessex group
Info last updated:
Boscombe Link, 3 - 5 Palmerston Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 4HN