SPAC Housing Options Advocacy service
What does it do?
The service provides a general advocacy scheme. We have specialists dealing with the following areas: Housing, Nursing Fees/Care Homes, Mental Health (Functional), Mental Health (Dementia).
Our two Housing Options Advocates (Pauline Adderley and John Colby) help older people to explore their housing, support and care options and then to act upon/ achieve their chosen form of housing, support and/ or care.
As Advocates we provide older people with a “voice”, helping them make their needs known and become involved in decisions affecting their lives and welfare. Because of isolation from family or friends, poor health, poverty or a lack of confidence some people find it difficult to deal with statutory agencies and may feel vulnerable trying to find their way through complex systems to get access to a service or benefit. This is where the advocacy service comes in.
Our two Housing Options Advocates (Pauline Adderley and John Colby) help older people to explore their housing, support and care options and then to act upon/ achieve their chosen form of housing, support and/ or care.
As Advocates we provide older people with a “voice”, helping them make their needs known and become involved in decisions affecting their lives and welfare. Because of isolation from family or friends, poor health, poverty or a lack of confidence some people find it difficult to deal with statutory agencies and may feel vulnerable trying to find their way through complex systems to get access to a service or benefit. This is where the advocacy service comes in.
Who it is for?
Older people living within the borough of Sefton or district of West Lancashire.
Where it is available?
Regional service (Lancashire, Merseyside).
What it costs:
The service is free.
How to access or apply for it:
Please phone, fax or email us.
Housing options advice, Advocacy, Information / Signposting / Gateway service, Care & Support Brokerage
Info last updated:


7-11 Yellow House Lane, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 1ER