Community Cars
What does it do?
Community Cars is a voluntary car scheme which helps the elderly and those living in the Bournemouth area who are unable to use public transport, but still need to make essential journeys. Volunteer drivers, using their own cars, offer a door to door service for members to help them access much needed services.
Who it is for?
The Elderly and anyone who because of either a physical or sensory disability find difficulty in using public transport and live within the Bournemouth Borough postcode area BH1 - BH11 inclusive.
Where it is available?
Local service (East Dorset, Bournemouth).
What it costs:
There is a annual membership charge of £6 and mileage is charged at 55p per mile (minimum return fare £4). Mileage is charged from the driver's home but Community Cars will try to match a driver who lives close to the service user.
How to access or apply for it:
Please telephone the Community Cars booking number Tel: 01202 309433 for more information about how to join the scheme. The booking line is open mornings only.
What to expect then:
A driver as close as possible to where the member lives will be found.
Additional information:
Community Cars is a kind, caring and compassionate service which gives a safe and helping hand.
Info last updated:

Boscombe Link, 3 - 5 Palmerston Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 4HN