East County Care Ltd
What does it do?
We provide care workers to help with daily tasks within the service users home to help promote independent living. a care plan is put in place of the service users needs. This can include personal care, shopping, mealtimes or social interaction.
Who it is for?
Adults over the age of 18.
Where it is available?
Local service serving within 25km of CO123HL.
What it costs:
Prices start from £15.00 per hour, and help is available if you are entitled to benefits or a social services assessment.
How to access or apply for it:
Contact us either by telephone or e-mail for further information or/and brochure.
What to expect then:
We can arrange for a visit to see what you require in your plan.
Support for carers / Relief Care / Respite Care, Home from hospital services, Personal care at home (registered)
Info last updated:

suite 9,Haven House Albemarle Street, Harwich, Essex, CO12 3HL