Carers Association Southern Staffordshire (CASS)
What does it do?
CASS provides support for over 7,000 adult carers and 500 young carers. CASS has been working in south Staffordshire since 1996.
We offer free and confidential advice, information and emotional support to individual carers, either on the telephone or through home visits together with a range of printed material including our newsletter 'Aspects'. CASS staff can also help you find your way around statutory agencies, such as Health and Social Care and signpost you on to other appropriate services.
We run regular drop-ins and a varied programme of Carers Health, Education and Wellbeing activities and courses, where you have an opportunity to try something new and meet up with other people in a similar position to you. CASS may also support carers to access work opportunities or volunteering.
As well as supporting carers who are caring for someone (an adult or child) with a disability or an illness (such as a learning disability, sensory impairment, a health problem and/or disability related to age) CASS also provides specialist services for mental health carers and dementia carers.
We also have a Young Carers Support Team supporting carers under the age of 18.