Grace Home Care Services.
What does it do?
Building on extensive experience within the caring professions, Grace Home Care will ensure that the way that care is delivered will concentrate on high quality customer service, whilst at the same time upholding the very best in professional care provision.
We aim to offer the service that people want, we don't tell people what they can have.
Most of our clients need help during the day to aid getting up, washed and dressed in the morning or vise a versa at night. Some may just need help preparing meals and may like some company while they eat. Each client is individual and will be treated as so. You will be in control of your own environment. We have a flexible night service if this is required.
Our services include the following:
Personal Care, Domestics and Housekeeping,
Home Laundry and Ironing, Meal Preparation and Cooking,
Shopping, Pet Care.
Escort Support for Doctor's / Dentist's / Hospital Appointments.
Support to attend Leisure / Outings and Socialising
Holiday Support, Respite Care,
Night Support, Medication Support,
We aim to offer the service that people want, we don't tell people what they can have.
Most of our clients need help during the day to aid getting up, washed and dressed in the morning or vise a versa at night. Some may just need help preparing meals and may like some company while they eat. Each client is individual and will be treated as so. You will be in control of your own environment. We have a flexible night service if this is required.
Our services include the following:
Personal Care, Domestics and Housekeeping,
Home Laundry and Ironing, Meal Preparation and Cooking,
Shopping, Pet Care.
Escort Support for Doctor's / Dentist's / Hospital Appointments.
Support to attend Leisure / Outings and Socialising
Holiday Support, Respite Care,
Night Support, Medication Support,
Who it is for?
Grace Home Care Services is committed to providing a reliable homecare service of the highest quality, to individuals who require personall care and support, to remain independant, whilst living in their own home.
We provide services to:
Older People, Physicaly Disabled, Dementia Care, Learning Disabilities, Vulnerable Adults,
Our objective will always be to enhance the overall wellbeing and quality of life of our clients, whilst reflecting individual needs and choices.
Where it is available?
Regional service (East Sussex, West Sussex).
What it costs:
Our Costs are per hour or part thereof at £16.07 per. hour. (May 2014)
We welcome clients with Personal Budgets, Direct Payments and Privately Funded.
We welcome clients with Personal Budgets, Direct Payments and Privately Funded.
How to access or apply for it:
Our office is just off the high street, in Church Road, Uckfield (opp. Barclay's Bank) and is open Mon. to Fiday 9am to 5pm. Please feel free to drop in and have a chat with us about your needs or to pick up a brochure. You can telephone us on 01825 508084 (office hours) or on 07902198901 (out of office hours).
You can write to us for the attention of,
Diane Wingfield, at 2a Church Street, Uckfield, TN22 1BJ.
Alternatively we can be emailed at
You can write to us for the attention of,
Diane Wingfield, at 2a Church Street, Uckfield, TN22 1BJ.
Alternatively we can be emailed at
What to expect then:
We will visit you in your home, or hospital if you are waiting to be discharged, to discuss your needs. Following a review of the information you wish to give, this will enable us to draw up a plan of support, that will meet your requirements and together we can agree on a plan of support and care, individual to you.
Additional information:
Grace means more than gifts. In Grace something is transcended, once and for all overcome. Grace happens in spite of something; it happens in spite of seperateness and alienation. Grace means that life is once again united with life, self is reconciled with self. Grace means accepting the abandoned one. Grace transforms guilt to trust and courage. The word Grace has something triumphant about it.
Grace means more than gifts. In Grace something is transcended, once and for all overcome. Grace happens in spite of something; it happens in spite of seperateness and alienation. Grace means that life is once again united with life, self is reconciled with self. Grace means accepting the abandoned one. Grace transforms guilt to trust and courage. The word Grace has something triumphant about it.
Support for carers / Relief Care / Respite Care, Home from hospital services, Personal care at home (registered), Domestic help, Dementia care
Info last updated:

Suite 2, Quarry House Mill Lane, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 5AA