Home Care Services
What does it do?
Support at Home Services are part of a range of caring and support services provided by either Social Work Services or purchased for you from Cordia (Care) LLP (previously known as Direct and Care Services - 'DACS') or a similar private agency. The aim of Support at Home Services is to meet your particular needs within your own home.
Home Care service provides a range of care tasks, which include assistance with personal care such as washing and dressing, assistance going to bed and getting out of bed and/or a range of practical domestic tasks. This service is open to service users of all ages and from all ethnic origins.
If you require support with more intense home care tasks such as assistance with catheter care, assistance with specialised feeding, assistance with stoma care and/or assistance with skin care, you can access a service known as Enhanced Home Care. This service is provided by a Home Carer who is trained to an enhanced level and receives support and guidance from a District Nurse.
Support at Home - Home Care Services are part of a range of caring and support services that can be arranged for you by Social Work Services, or you can arrange your own services through a Direct Payment. see http://www.glasgow.gov.uk/en/Residents/Care_Support/DirectPaymentforcare/index.htm
Home Care service provides a range of care tasks, which include assistance with personal care such as washing and dressing, assistance going to bed and getting out of bed and/or a range of practical domestic tasks. This service is open to service users of all ages and from all ethnic origins.
If you require support with more intense home care tasks such as assistance with catheter care, assistance with specialised feeding, assistance with stoma care and/or assistance with skin care, you can access a service known as Enhanced Home Care. This service is provided by a Home Carer who is trained to an enhanced level and receives support and guidance from a District Nurse.
Support at Home - Home Care Services are part of a range of caring and support services that can be arranged for you by Social Work Services, or you can arrange your own services through a Direct Payment. see http://www.glasgow.gov.uk/en/Residents/Care_Support/DirectPaymentforcare/index.htm
Who it is for?
Home care services are for people who need help with personal care and/or practical domestic tasks. Social Work Services have limited budgets for providing care services. People who need the help most are prioritised for the service. Priority is given to people who:
- are at risk of going into care
- are at risk of going into hospital
- are returning from hospital
- are facing immediate risk of injury
- have a terminal illness
- are vulnerable children and families
- are carers
What it costs:
There is a charge for home care services. This is based upon your income rather than the amount of services you need. Everyone who is referred for a home care service will have a financial assessment to assess his or her ability to pay. This also involves a benefits check. Home care services are provided free of charge to people whose income is below the Council charging threshold – see Welfare Rights for more information.
If you are 65 years or over you will not be charged for personal care tasks. Please see our leaflet Free personal care if you are living at home (82Kb, 10 pages) for further information.
If you are 65 years or over you will not be charged for personal care tasks. Please see our leaflet Free personal care if you are living at home (82Kb, 10 pages) for further information.
How to access or apply for it:
If you need help and support at home contact your local social work office to request an assessment of your needs. You can contact the team directly or someone can contact them on your behalf such as a relative, a friend or your doctor.
Find your local social work office at http://www.glasgow.gov.uk/en/Residents/Care_Support/GettingaService/AccessingServices/index.htm
Find your local social work office at http://www.glasgow.gov.uk/en/Residents/Care_Support/GettingaService/AccessingServices/index.htm
Info last updated:

Customer Care Team, Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow, G2 1DU