Advice and Support
Information and practical assistance to thinking about housing optionsWhat does it do?
We are members of AdviceUK and we have specialist caseworkers who can assist in many different ways. We can help you claim any benefits to which you are entitled and if you do not know what you are entitled to we can advice you on that.
We have Housing Options caseworkers. The Housing Options Service is for disabled/older people, their relatives and Carers. It provides information and advice on all aspects of Housing whatever your tenure.
Our priority is to help you understand all of your options and help you reach the right decision for your situation.
We can visit you in your own home to talk things through, giving you advice on all of your housing options, which may include:
- - Staying where you are with some adaptations
- - Buying an alternative property
- - Choosing residential or nursing home care
- - Moving to alternative rented accommodation
Who it is for?
All older people living in Somerset
Where it is available?
Local service (Mendip, South Somerset, Taunton Deane, West Somerset, Sedgemoor).
What it costs:
Our advice and support is free.
How to access or apply for it:
Please phone or email us for an appointment. Angie Keirle is our Caseworker (,
01749 345379).
01749 345379).
Additional information:
The project is hosted by Somerset Care and Repair which is a home improvement agency which covers Somerset. Customers of the housing project will also have access to all other services provided by the HIA including handyperson services, energy efficiency advice, disabled adaptations, property maintenance and repairs and stair lifts.
The casework service is part of FirstStop Advice, the national network of housing options advice services. This means that our clients can benefit from the resources and expertise of all other partners in the FirstStop network, and vice versa.
The casework service is part of FirstStop Advice, the national network of housing options advice services. This means that our clients can benefit from the resources and expertise of all other partners in the FirstStop network, and vice versa.
Info last updated:

Barley House Lower Charlton Trading Estate, The Old Brewery, Lower Charlton Trading Estate, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5QE