Happy Feet Toenail Cutting
Footcare service for older peopleWhat does it do?
Happy Feet Toenail Cutting Service
Happy Feet is our footcare service to help maintain and improve your independence and mobility. Happy Feet provides a basic footcare service which includes a health assessment of your feet to identify any potential problems, toe nail cutting, removal of hard skin and a mini massage to encourage and improve circulation and wellbeing of your feet. Our footcare specialists are trained by the Reading NHS Podiatry service.Who it is for?
The service is primarily offered to older people who areOver 50, unable to cut their own toenails, do not need full chiropody/podiatry services and do not have anyone to help them with this task.
Not suffering from diagnosed poor circulation (peripheral vascular disease, loss of sensation or nerve damage to the feet).
Not suffering from diagnosed poor circulation (peripheral vascular disease, loss of sensation or nerve damage to the feet).
Where it is available?
Local service (Reading).
What it costs:
We currently charge £15.00* per session. A one-off payment of £15* is also taken at the first session to cover the cost of the client’s own personal file and toenail clippers. This equipment will be kept by you and used only for your treatment. It will need to be brought to each appointment, without this equipment we will be unable to cut your nails. *prices correct as of April 2016
How to access or apply for it:
Additional information:
New Project!
We are currently working with our partners at Redland Healthcare to set up a new venue on the Portman rd. Redland stock a huge range of independent living products which can be viewed on your visit.
Info last updated: