Community Mental Health Services
What does it do?
There are four Community mental Health Nurses who provide treatment and support to people in the Community. The liaise with GP practices, Social Services and district nurses in the assessment, provision and monitoring of care packages of people with mental health problems. One of their main functions is to act as keyworkers for people with sever / enduring mental health problems and this role includes the administration and monitoring of medication; counselling & supportive intervention; advice, education & support to care homes.
Who it is for?
People with mental health needs in the local area.
Where it is available?
Local service (Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster).
What it costs:
The service is free of charge.
How to access or apply for it:
Referrals are made via our Team Administrator or direct from GPs.
Name of Service:
Community Mental Health Services
1 Nightingale Place,
London SW10 9NG
Telephone:020 8846 6020
Fax:020 8846 6119
Service manager Bev Smith
Name of Service:
Community Mental Health Services
1 Nightingale Place,
London SW10 9NG
Telephone:020 8846 6020
Fax:020 8846 6119
Service manager Bev Smith
Info last updated:

1 Nightingale Place, London, SW10 9NG