CMHT For Older People Services
What does it do?
Provides an assessment, treatment and care co-ordination service for older people living in the community who have acute and/or severe mental health problems. The service is provided in outpatient clinics in the community and (predominantly) in patients' homes. The Memory Treatment Service, which provides regular monitoring for people on anti-dementia medication, is also based in Block D at St Ann's Hospital
Who it is for?
Older people (65+) living in the Haringey community who have acute and/or severe mental health problems.
Where it is available?
Local service (Haringey).
What it costs:
The service is free of charge
How to access or apply for it:
Referral is through GPs and other primary care services.
Info last updated:

Block D1. St Ann's Hospital, St. Ann's Road, London, N15 3TH