Weymouth and Portland Neighbourcars
What does it do?
A Voluntary Car Scheme that will take clients to local destinations including doctor, dental, hospital and other medical or social appointments.
Who it is for?
The Scheme offers help in the Community for those in need of assistance, who have no access to, or are unable to use public transport.
Where it is available?
Local service (Weymouth & Portland).
What it costs:
Dorset Partnership for Older People (Dorset POPP) provided start-up funding for this scheme, with the aim that the scheme would become self-funding.
You will pay £1 to join the scheme plus 40p per mile.
You will pay £1 to join the scheme plus 40p per mile.
How to access or apply for it:
To request an application, telephone Mr David Dowle on 01305 774361.
Once registered you will be able to make bookings on the above telephone number Monday to Friday between 10 am and 2 pm - ansaphone available for all other times.
Once registered you will be able to make bookings on the above telephone number Monday to Friday between 10 am and 2 pm - ansaphone available for all other times.
What to expect then:
You will be sent a leaftlet and application form in order to register for the scheme.
Additional information:
The scheme operates Monday to Friday. Our drivers are volunteers and use their own vehicles. Please give as much notice as possible.
Transport is provided to Weymouth, Portland and Dorchester Hospital.
Transport is provided to Weymouth, Portland and Dorchester Hospital.
Info last updated: