Basingstoke NeighbourCare

What does it do?

Basingstoke NeighbourCare will try and help out with all sorts of requests. The most regular tasks include: 

Shopping - we'll do your shopping, or come with you to give you a hand.   Visits - we can help you visit someone in hospital or at home. Collection - we can collect your pension or prescription. Befriending - we can take time with the lonely or elderly. Travel to appointments - we can take you to your medical appointments

Who it is for?

Older people in the Basingstoke area.

Where it is available?

Local service (Basingstoke and Deane).

What it costs:

There is no charge but the charity is grateful for donations.

How to access or apply for it:

Please call or email for further information on our services.


Info last updated:

The Orchard White Hart Lane, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 4AF