Hedge End Park Minibus Service
What does it do?
The Hedge End Park Minibus Service provides door-to-door transport for people with disabilities, from home to Marks &
Spencer and Sainsbury’s at Hedge End Park.
Be unable to use public transport due to a disabilityor be registered with the service, live in the borough of Eastleigh
OR live on the eastern side of Southampton only
Spencer and Sainsbury’s at Hedge End Park.
Be unable to use public transport due to a disabilityor be registered with the service, live in the borough of Eastleigh
OR live on the eastern side of Southampton only
Who it is for?
The Hedge End Park Minibus Service provides door-to-door transport for people with disabilities.
Where it is available?
Local service (Southampton).
What it costs:
The cost varies depending on where you live. Free Bus Passes issued by Eastleigh Borough Council may be used for free travel on the Hedge End Park Minibus Service. Passes must be shown to the driver on each journey.
Please telephone for current prices.
How to access or apply for it:
You must be registered to use the Hedge End Park Minibus Service. To register simply call the offi ce and an application form will be sent out to you.
Additional information:
If you do not have a telephone, or are unable to use one, booking cards are available for booking your trips by post.
These cards are obtainable from the office.
Info last updated:

16 Romsey Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO50 9AL