Harborough Lifeline
What does it do?
We are a local support service that you can depend on. Provided by Harborough District Council, our control centre is based locally and does not rely on large, out of town call centres like many other, similar services.
A lifeline unit will be installed in your home and connected to your telephone. Additionally you will be given a pendant button which you can wear on a wrist strap or neck cord, allowing you to keep it with you as you move around your home. The pendant will trigger the unit from any distance of up to 75 metres.
When either button is pressed your lifeline unit will call our control centre and you will be immediately connected with one of our team. The lifeline unit is fitted with a sensitive microphone which enables us to have a hands-free conversation with you, without the need for a phone.
If the alarm is triggered our call staff will have instant access to contact details for friends and family and any other information that you have supplied. This means we can make sure you get the right help quickly.