Apex Care
What does it do?
We all need a helping hand sometimes. You may be recovering from illness, shopping and cleaning are getting harder to manage on your own, or your regular carer might need a break. For couples, you might both be finding it harder to manage, or perhaps one of you is struggling to care for the other as well as you'd like to.
Who it is for?
Older people requiring assistance with housework, shopping and preparing meals.
Where it is available?
Local service (East Dorset, West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland, Bournemouth, Christchurch, North Dorset, Poole, Purbeck).
What it costs:
PLease call to discusss the services you require and costs.
How to access or apply for it:
PLease call our office or email for more details.
Additional information:
Apex Care will recruit staff with the appropriate qualifications, skills, experience, attitude and aptitude to provide care to Service Users, or otherwise meet the needs of the job and maintain standards.
Info last updated:

Strong House, The Horsefair, Horsefair Court, Romsey, Hants, S051 8JZ