Christchurch Dial-a-Bus

What does it do?

Christchurch Dial-A-Bus offers you a specially adapted bus with trained staff to collect you from your front door, taking you to Christchurch town centre, Highcliffe village centre, Sainsbury's (Christchurch), or Christchurch Hospital. Other requested stops in the borough may be considered.  The service also offers weekly excursion trips on Wednesdays to Castle Point, Highcliffe Castle, Ringwood, Lymington, Haskins and other destinations on a demand basis. 

Who it is for?

For older people who find it difficult to use existing transport services. The service also provides wheelchair accessible transport for anyone with disabilities.

Where it is available?

Local service (Christchurch).

What it costs:

The cost of a return shopping trip is £4.50.
Your first fare will cost an additional £1.50. This is a joining fee to help cover some of the initial administration costs.
If you choose to only use Dial-A-Bus one way, the full £4.50 will still be payable.

How to access or apply for it:

You will need to complete and return a booking form to join the scheme. You can request a form from the Christchurch Civic Offices or download the Dial-a-Bus leaflet from their website.

What to expect then:

Once you have joined, to make a booking, call the booking office on 08454 580883 to arrange shopping trips. Bookings will be accepted on a 'first come, first served' basis, and should be made at least one day before you need to travel. 
To book an excursion, call 01202 495017.  Bookings will be accepted on a 'first come, first served' basis.
When you ring the booking number you will be presented with two menu options, choose the menu option for 'other Dorset services' using your telephone keypad.

Additional information:

The Dial-A-Bus service can be used by people living in the following areas: West Christchurch (Tuesdays): including Hurn, St Catherine's Hill, Fairmile, Jumpers and Kings Avenue area.
East Christchurch (Thursdays): including Walkford, Highcliffe, Hoburne, Friars Cliff, Mudeford, Stanpit, Purewell, Somerford.
Fridays: including Hurn, St Catherine's Hill, Fairmile, Jumpers, Kings Avenue, Burton and Winkton.

West Christchurch - The bus will collect you from your home between 10.30am and 11.30am on Tuesdays. The return journey will depart at about 1.45pm (the driver will confirm this on the day of your travel).

East Christchurch - The bus will collect you from your home between 10.30am and 11.30am on Thursdays. The return journey will depart at about 1.45pm (the driver will confirm this on the day of your travel).

Personal escorts are welcome to travel providing they board, and alight, at the same place as the passenger they are accompanying. All escorts will be required to make an equal contribution towards the running costs of the scheme.


Info last updated:

Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1AZ