Home Improvement Agency Service
Independent Charity for the older and/or disabled homeownerWhat does it do?
When a client needs repairs, improvement or adaptations to their home to enable them to remain there, Argyll & Bute Care & Repair will assist with grant applications, estimates and co-ordinate contractors.
The service also provides (in conjunction with Occupational Therapists) fitting of minor aids and adaptations, home safety and security advice and installation of tele-healthcare devices.
In addition there is a small repairs service with a small charge for minor jobs round the home.
The service also provides (in conjunction with Occupational Therapists) fitting of minor aids and adaptations, home safety and security advice and installation of tele-healthcare devices.
In addition there is a small repairs service with a small charge for minor jobs round the home.
Who it is for?
Older (60 years or more) and/or disabled homeowner or private sector tenant
What it costs:
Small repair services have a small charge - grants can be available for major adaptations but the percentage is dependant on income, advice and assistance is free.
How to access or apply for it:
Most people are referred by Occupational Therapists, Social Work or self referral.
Info last updated:
5 Stafford Street, Oban, Argyll, PA34 5NJ