Oxford Home Improvement Agency
What does it do?
It helps you to improve the safety, security and comfort of your home through the following grants, loans and services:
Disabled Facilities Grants
These grants can pay for adaptations to make your home easier to live in and move around. They are available to private tenants, Council tenants, Housing Association tenants and owner-occupiers.
Applications are means-tested, and an Occupational Therapist will assess applicants.
Essential Repair Grants
These grants can pay for basic repairs to your home.
The law means these grants are available only to owner-occupiers who have been in residence for 3 years or more and who are over 18 years old.
Flexible Home Loans
These loans can be used to make your home safer, warmer, healthier and more comfortable. They are are available only to owner-occupiers who are over 60 years old.
Small Repairs Service
This can be provided for people over 60 years old. It's for the small jobs needed for continuing safe and secure independent living. Work can include basic plumbing, electrical, and household repairs.
Small Repairs covers Home from Hospital too. This can make homes safer for patients returning from hospital. Work can include moving furniture, installing 'Keysafes' (for carers' secure access) and fitting handrails or grab rails.